Attract the best clients and strengthen your image. The Vice President of EPAM explained what ESG is and why it should be implemented

Recently, the business world has been increasingly discussing ESG. This acronym stands for Environmental, Social, Governance, or ‘Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance.’ It encompasses several aspects of a company’s operations, from reducing carbon footprint to issues of fair pay and corporate transparency.
Why can’t these principles be ignored? How does their implementation help attract clients, talented employees, and shape a positive brand image? What barriers arise on the path to ‘green’ transformation? Kate Pretkel, Vice President and Head of Leadership Development, Diversity, Inclusion, and ESG Programs at EPAM, discussed these and other topics.
‘Companies always evaluate their contractors and clients for compliance with ESG standards.’
For many people, ESG is about waste sorting and tree-planting events. But this is only a small part of the concept. ESG standards help assess how responsibly a company approaches building its business: whether it understands its impact on the external environment and how seriously it takes implementing programs to reduce negative effects on society and nature.